Today was the last day for bills on Third Reading to clear the house of origin. This marks the completion of "crossover" from one chamber to the other for those that have passed. Or at least that is the theory.
After a multi-hour caucus behind closed doors yesterday, Rules were suspended to permit the introduction of four more bills today. Three were breakouts from the Budget bill for air enhancement, Health Department and Department of Family Services with the third on the education External Cost Adjustment. A revised budget bill with an unclear change in funding beyond those areas carved out by the others is also being considered. Three of the four sponsors are members of the Senate Appropriations Committee to which the bills are all assigned. Expect these to come out of committee and be fast tracked through CoW, 2nd Reading and 3rd Reading with another suspension of the rule of one day between readings.
The proposed legislation that did not make it through the first house either Failed to Pass on roll call vote in Committee, Committee of the Whole or on 3rd Reading. 63 in the House and 28 in the Senate did not receive sufficient votes. The other means for failure are from actions NOT taken rather than the result of a vote. In the House, 30 bills were not introduced and sent to committee, 43 died in Committee without being considered and 22 came out of committee with a recommendation of Do Pass but did not get considered in the Committee of the Whole. In the Senate, 2 were not introduced, 25 died in Committee without being considered and 3 were not brought forth to Committee of the whole. The Pass percent in the House was 51% while the Senate moved 68% of the bills over to the House.